List of MLP & Midstream ETNs

Ticker symbol Name Indicative value Change Leverage Current Yield (annualized) Document
ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy Index ETN $ 56.45 +2.19% -- 4.19%* Prospectus
ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy High Dividend Index ETN $ 55.36 +2.03% -- 5.12%* Prospectus
ETRACS Alerian Midstream Energy Total Return Index ETN $ 80.79 +2.21% -- -- Prospectus
ETRACS Alerian MLP Index ETN Series B $ 19.28 +1.61% -- 5.80%* Prospectus
ETRACS Alerian MLP Infrastructure Index ETN Series B $ 25.80 +1.70% -- 5.96%* Prospectus
ETRACS Quarterly Pay 1.5x Leveraged Alerian MLP Index ETN $ 61.85 +2.32% 1.50x 9.61%* Prospectus
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* "Current Yield (annualized)" equals the most recently announced Coupon Amount, multiplied by four (to annualize such coupons), divided by the Current Indicative Value of the ETN, or, if the Current Indicative Value is not available, then the most recent closing Indicative Value, and rounded to two decimal places for ease of analysis. The Current Yield is not indicative of future coupon payments, if any, on the ETN. You are not guaranteed any coupon or distribution amount under the ETN.

** "Current Yield (annualized)" equals the sum of the most recently announced Coupon Amount and the two immediately preceding Coupon Amounts, multiplied by four (to annualize such coupons), divided by the Current Indicative Value of the ETN, or, if the Current Indicative Value is not available, then the most recent closing Indicative Value, and rounded to two decimal places for ease of analysis. The Current Yield is not indicative of future coupon payments, if any, on the ETN. You are not guaranteed any coupon or distribution amount under the ETN.