• Current Indicative Value
  • 07/26/2024 | 06:59 pm
  • USD 29.62
  • Current Spot Price USD 28.68
  • 07/25/2024 | 04:10 pm

Index Profile

Underlying Index MSCI USA ESG Focus Gross TR Index
Ticker symbol M2USESG

About the index

The MSCI USA ESG Focus Index Gross Total Return USD is derived by selecting constituents of the MSCI USA Index (Bloomberg: “M2US Index”)(the “Parent Index”), through an optimization process that aims to maximize exposure of environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors for a target tracking error budget under certain constraints. The Underlying Index is sector-diversified and targets companies with high ESG ratings in each sector. Companies involved in tobacco, controversial weapons, fossil fuel extraction and thermal coal power are not eligible for inclusion in the Index. The Parent Index is a market cap weighted benchmark index that includes large and mid-cap stocks across the U.S. equity markets. The Underlying Index was first disseminated publicly on June 8, 2020 and has no live history prior to that date.

Index Historical Returns

Name 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 3 Years
MSCI USA ESG Focus Gross TR Index -- -- -- -- --

Source: UBS Investment Bank, publicly available data.

Historical information presented is furnished as a matter of information only. Historical performance of the Index is not an indication of future performance. Future performance of the Index may differ significantly from historical performance, either positively or negatively.

Index Historical Returns are calculated on the basis of intraday index levels or closing index levels where relevant.