- Current Indicative Value
- 10/03/2024 | 06:59 pm
- USD 32.17
- Current Spot Price USD 31.70
- 10/03/2024 | 04:10 pm
CUSIP | 90278V743 |
Primary exchange | NYSE Arca |
Initial Trade Date | 9/14/2021 |
Maturity Date | 9/15/2061 |
Leverage | 2.00x |
Annual Tracking Fee Rate | 0.95%, accrued on a daily basis |
Annual Financing Fee Rate | SOFR + 1.55% |
Underlying Index | MSCI USA ESG Focus Gross TR Index |
See 'Key Risks' above as well as the 'Important legal information specific to ETRACS ETNs' link below for more information.
About the ETN
The ETRACS 2x Leveraged MSCI USA ESG Focus TR ETN is designed to provide 2 times leveraged long exposure to the compounded quarterly performance of the MSCI USA ESG Focus Index Gross Total Return USD, less financing costs and tracking fees. The Underlying Index is designed to maximize exposure to positive environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) factors while exhibiting risk and return characteristics similar to those of the MSCI USA Index. The parent benchmark MSCI USA Index is designed to measure the performance of the large and mid-cap segments of the U.S. equity market.
Exchange-traded Notes are senior, unsecured, unsubordinated debt securities that provide investors with exposure to the total returns of various market indices, including those linked to stocks, bonds, commodities and/or currencies, less investor fees. ETRACS offers innovative investment products with easy access to markets and strategies that may not be readily available in the existing marketplace.